Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Event Photography

Portrait by: Timothy Dehnert Photography
Event Photography:

Event photography can be a beautiful but crazy time flying moment.  Keeping ahead of the changing scenes and proceedings can be challenging at best.  Planning and preparing for events are necessities. Planning and preparing gets you comfort and organization.  An unplanned and unorganized service or professional will not be useful or productive.  You will spend most of your time chasing your tail in circles like a dog instead of being sharp, on time and efficient.  This would be very unbusinesslike and ineffective.
Portrait By: Timothy Dehnert Photography
Capturing the Moments and Making Memories
Not missing special moments.  Not getting in the way of them too is always a struggle.  As any event photographer or anyone who offers event services knows.  You need to be in touch.  You need to know or get to know the people that are working in the crazy moment with you.  The event coordinator(s), DJ's, caterers, family, friends and anyone else that can help you and themselves stay ahead of the happenings.  You can help each-other be aware and efficient as to give your customers the best in service you can possibly give.  By capturing the moments and making memories.
Portrait By: Timothy Dehnert Photography

Good Bye,
Timothy Dehnert

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